
priestess@ 4:05pm 01-24-2024
i'm losing my eyesight because of monitors.... it is time to return to mother earth....
Byrdffv@ 1:33am 01-18-2024


None yet
Love your website! im also working on learning to create my own, and i also happen to be a big fan of kirby!
stigma@ 7:44pm 01-14-2024

Hello! Good site! I agreed you in my site.

Regards from Chile!!
looz@ 6:48am 11-30-2023

i loved exploring your site! i especially liked your blogpost + story about CRT's, Thats just so awesome that you are using it as one of your monitors lul. i also thought the stickers around it are really cute and it made me want to look for a CRT monitor myself,i've always found them very appealing. Alright, I hope you have a wonder-ful day my friend!
Trinity@ 2:50am 08-13-2023

Love love love your site! So many neat lil things that give it so much personality.
Leaf@ 8:42am 07-25-2023
I love your website
dendrophalaen@ 12:22am 07-20-2023
your site is so fun!! i cackled at the hard images page
vinny@ 5:44pm 07-19-2023
Anxiousdraake (Tin)@ 4:00am 07-04-2023
Absolutely loved looking through your Kirby shrine, I learned about stuff I didn't know about yet.
melankorin@ 9:55pm 06-26-2023
yo!! thank you for linking me aha, i'm gonna link you back!
and your website is sick! i'm happy to find another person of taste who appreciates flip phones
penny loves pandas!!@ 9:23am 06-24-2023
hi!!! ur site is really really epic!!
Nero@ 11:11am 05-31-2023
I loved your site! The shrines in particular were my favourite part. Whenever I see Kirby I associate it with my gf so it always makes me happy to see. I appreciate the shoutout to Flipnote and Sudomemo too since Hatena was my OG online community.
Mika@ 6:47pm 05-07-2023
Your shrines are sooooo cute!
cyberleolao@ 9:54am 03-03-2023
Saludos desde Chile !
Daniele@ 1:20pm 10-13-2022
Lovely website! thanks for adding my website to your links !

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